Knowing God’s Will: 7 Key Questions to Discerning God’s Will

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God created you for a purpose. God does not do anything without purpose and design. Your life has a specific purpose and design that only you can live out. Only you can discover God's will for your life. God does not want it to be a mystery to you; He wants to reveal your purpose. He wants you to walk in your purpose and serve your purpose. I have crafted seven questions I will share with you that will give you certainty and clarity concerning God’s will.

The Bible speaks with undeniable clarity about God's specific will for each of our lives. Consider the profound words that the Apostle Paul shared with the church in Antioch about King David. In Acts 13:36 (CSB), Paul says, 'For David, after serving God’s purpose in his own generation, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and decayed.' There's a phrase here that echoes powerfully in my heart and prayers, and I urge you to contemplate it deeply as you think about God's purpose for your life: 'after serving God’s purpose in his own generation.' This isn't just a historical observation; it's a deep truth that confirms each one of us in Christ Jesus has a unique purpose in our own generation.

Now, let's bring into focus what Jesus proclaimed in the Sermon on the Mount, particularly in Matthew 6:33 (CSB), which I believe is the cornerstone statement of His entire sermon: 'But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.' This directive from Jesus is foundational. It’s not just an instruction; it's a way of life, urging us to prioritize the Kingdom of God above all else.

And if we rewind just a few verses earlier, we find Jesus teaching us how to pray in the Model Prayer: Matthew 6:9–10, '9“Therefore, you should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. 10Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' Here, Jesus is not just giving us words to recite; He’s painting a picture of a life surrendered to God's will, a life where His Kingdom's values and purposes are our highest pursuit.

These Scriptures, when woven together, form a powerful message for you: Your life is meant to be lived in alignment with God’s divine purpose. Like David, you are called to serve God's purpose in your generation. And like Jesus taught, your life is to be a relentless pursuit of God's Kingdom and His righteousness. This is what it means to walk in God's will—to align your heart, your actions, and your entire being with the divine rhythm of God's plan, both in heaven and here on earth. It's about seeking God first, allowing His will to shape and guide your life, and discovering that in this pursuit lies everything you truly need."

Now there are seven questions that you must ask yourself that will give you clarity on God’s will.

1. Have you sought God's guidance through prayer?

   - Philippians 4:6-7: "Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

When it comes to our relationship with God, prayer is not just a practice; it's the very lifeline that connects our heart to His. The depth of your connection with the Father hinges profoundly on the consistency and earnestness of your prayer life. It's in those moments of sincere, humble communication with God that we truly align ourselves with His heart and His will. As you devote yourself more to prayer, pouring out your heart, and listening, you'll find yourself becoming increasingly attuned to God’s desires for your life. It's not just about asking; it's about opening yourself up to hear God’s voice, to sense His guiding hand, and to feel His loving presence enveloping every aspect of your being. This is the essence of a life deeply rooted in prayer—a life intimately connected to the very heart of God.

2. Does your decision align with Biblical teachings?

   - 2 Timothy 3:16–17: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

The Bible does so much more than merely dispense truth for our decision-making. It's a living, breathing conduit of God's voice that, when we actively engage with it and apply its truths, has the power to transform our very hearts and minds into the likeness of Christ. This transformation is not a passive process; it's an active metamorphosis where we find ourselves irresistibly drawn towards God's will. It’s like a divine magnetism. The Holy Spirit, living within us, is fueled and strengthened by the very Word of God we absorb. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, as we let it dwell richly in us, we don't just learn; we change. We start to reflect Christ in our thoughts, in our desires, and in our actions. This is the beauty of a life deeply rooted in the Word—a life that is continuously being reshaped, reformed, and redefined in the image of Jesus, led by the Spirit towards the heart of God’s perfect will.

3. Will your choice compromise your Christian witness or integrity?

   - 1 Corinthians 10:31–32: "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or Greeks or to the church of God."

Living out your Kingdom purpose is a journey that beautifully aligns with God's Word and glorifies Him in every step. Understand this: God will never guide you towards anything that contradicts the eternal truths of His Scripture or compromises your identity in Christ Jesus. This identity we have in Christ – it's not just a label; it's the very core of our existence, the anchor of our witness to the world. It's essential, not only as a testament of our faith but as the guiding star in our decision-making process. When we are crystal clear about who we are in Christ and about our position as His beloved, it brings an unclouded clarity to our life's choices and direction. It's like the fog lifts, and the path He has for us becomes brightly illuminated. This is the power of living in true identity – every decision, every crossroad, becomes an opportunity to deepen our walk with Christ, reflecting His love, His grace, and His truth in every aspect of our lives.

4. Will your action glorify the Lord?

   - Colossians 3:17: "And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

At the very heart of God's will for your life, there are two fundamental principles that never waver. First, there's the unceasing work of God in growing our faith, shaping us to be more and more like Jesus. In theological terms, we call this sanctification—a beautiful, lifelong process of being molded and refined by His hands. Second, God orchestrates every aspect of our lives for His ultimate glory. It's like every piece of our existence, every moment of our journey, is woven into a grand, divine tapestry that displays His majesty and grace.

So, when you're discerning whether something aligns with God's will, ask yourself this crucial question: Will this bring glory to God? If the answer is anything but a resounding 'yes,' then, quite simply, it falls outside the realm of His will for you. This isn't just a guideline; it's a profound truth that should illuminate our every decision, steering us towards paths that honor Him, reflect His character, and reveal His glory to the world. In this, we find the true essence of living within the will of God—a life marked by a relentless pursuit of sanctification and a ceaseless endeavor to glorify the One who called us by His grace.

5. Do unbiased, spiritually attuned Christians agree?

   - Proverbs 15:22: "Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."

Finding unbiased, spiritually attuned individuals to guide you can be a challenging task. Yet, when you earnestly pray and seek God’s intervention, He can lead you into a community of believers who possess this spiritual discernment. These individuals can be invaluable in helping you discern God's will for your life. They offer perspectives that are often overlooked – because they stand outside of your immediate circumstances, they can spot the blind spots in your life. And remember, my friend, we all have blind spots—areas in our lives we simply can’t see, which is why we so desperately need others to help illuminate them.

Also, spiritually mature individuals bring a wealth of experience to the table. They have journeyed further down the road of faith and can share insights from their own encounters with God, especially in situations similar to yours. Their experiences in seeking the Kingdom of God in various circumstances can offer you a rich reservoir of wisdom. And let's not forget the power of their prayers. When these godly individuals pray for you, it’s like turbocharging your prayer life, bringing an amplified connection to God's heart and will. In community, you find strength, wisdom, and clarity—all essential in your pursuit of understanding and living out God's Kingdom purpose for your life.

6. Do you have a heartfelt desire for it?

   - Psalm 37:4: "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires."

I've encountered people who hesitate to fully surrender to God, haunted by the fear that He might call them to some remote jungle as missionaries or, even more frighteningly, take away their children. But let's set the record straight: God isn't in the business of punishing us for our obedience. He didn't bless you with your children only to take them away as some sort of divine retribution for following His call. At the heart of our purpose lies a profound truth: our desires are often a reflection of God’s leading.

God moves in mysterious and miraculous ways, shaping and molding our hearts to align with His calling. Initially, what He asks of us might seem daunting, even unappealing, but remember, God is a master at work. Over time, He purposely works on our hearts, nurturing and developing within us a deep, meaningful desire to do His will. This transformation is not sudden, but a gradual awakening, where what once seemed fearsome or undesirable becomes our heart's deepest longing. Trust in this process, trust in His wisdom. For when we align our desires with God's purpose, we embark on a journey that not only fulfills His will but also brings immeasurable joy and satisfaction to our own lives." 

7. Do you feel peace about it?

   - Colossians 3:15: "And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful."

God has endowed us with a gift that is unique in all of creation – a soul. And through our identity and position in Christ, we have the incredible privilege of the Holy Spirit continuously speaking to our hearts. If you've earnestly worked through the previous six questions and find a sense of peace echoing within your heart, then you can confidently embrace that as confirmation of God's will in your life.

However, if there's a lack of peace, if hesitation lingers within you, take it as a sign to pause and revisit those questions. It's in this patient, intentional seeking—going over each question with a heart open to God's guidance—that clarity and peace will eventually emerge. This isn't about rushing to conclusions; it's about allowing God's voice to be clearer than our doubts and fears. When you truly invest time in grappling with these questions, seeking God's will with all seriousness and sincerity, peace will come, one way or another. This peace is more than just a feeling; it's a profound assurance, a divine whisper that guides you unmistakably into God’s perfect will for your life.