Day Twenty-Four: Prepare Him Room

40 Days of Seeking First the Kingdom of God


Daily Insight

Preparing room for Christ means more than acknowledging Him; it involves reordering our priorities to foster a deeper relationship with Him in seeking His Kingdom first.


Matthew 6:33 (CSB)

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you."

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Imagine your life is like a garden. In this garden, there are all sorts of plants—some are flowers that add beauty and fragrance, others are weeds that creep in uninvited. Now, the flowers in this garden represent the important things in life: your faith, family, meaningful work, and acts of kindness. The weeds, however, are the distractions, unnecessary worries, and trivial pursuits that can overrun your life if left unchecked.

Jesus’ message in Matthew 6:33, where He instructs us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness," is akin to advising us to tend to the flowers first. It’s about prioritizing the growth and nurturing of what truly matters—our spiritual life, our relationship with God, and living out our Kingdom purpose.

The story of Jesus’ birth, as depicted in Luke 2:7, presents a vivid picture of what happens when there's no room for what's most important. Mary and Joseph, in a time of great need, found that there was no room for them in the inn. This reflects a situation we often face in our lives. In the bustle of daily living, with its demands and distractions, do we find ourselves, like the innkeeper, unable to make room for Jesus?

Let’s consider a practical scenario: You have a busy day ahead, filled with tasks and obligations. In the midst of this, how do you respond to an unexpected opportunity to help someone or to spend time in prayer or reading the Bible? Do you view these as interruptions to your schedule or as divine appointments? The decision to prioritize these moments is like choosing to water the flowers in your garden, ensuring they thrive.

In essence, “Preparing Him Room” in our lives means consciously making space amidst our routines and responsibilities for our spiritual growth and for living out the teachings of Jesus. It’s about daily choosing to give precedence to the Kingdom of God, even in the midst of life’s relentless pace.

Therefore, as we go about our days, let’s challenge ourselves to assess our priorities. Are we nurturing the flowers in our garden—our faith, our relationship with God, our actions towards others? Or are we letting the weeds of life take over? Remember, when we prioritize the Kingdom of God, we cultivate a life that is rich, fulfilling, and aligned with our deepest values.

 "Kingdom Identity: Making Room for the Reign of Christ"

 The Innkeeper's Predicament: A Reflection of Our Lives

In the narrative of Jesus’ birth, the innkeeper, confronted with a full inn, is a poignant representation of our own lives. Often, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands and distractions of daily existence. Our lives, much like the inn, become crowded with various pursuits and worries, leaving little space for anything else, including the most vital aspect: our relationship with Christ. This is where our true identity as followers of Christ challenges us to diverge from the norm.

Understanding Our Identity in Christ

Our identity in Christ is central to understanding our role in God's Kingdom. As believers, we are not mere onlookers but active participants in the unfolding story of God's redemptive plan. Ephesians 2:19 (CSB) states, "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household." This verse underscores our transformed identity—from outsiders to members of God's own family, called to live under the reign of Christ the King.

Christ as King: Scriptural Foundations

The Scriptures are replete with references to Jesus as King. For instance, in Matthew 2:2 (CSB), the Wise Men inquire, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." This declaration at the inception of Jesus' earthly life signifies His sovereign role over creation. In John 18:37 (CSB), Jesus affirms His kingship, stating, "You say that I’m a king... For this reason I was born and for this reason I came into the world." These passages affirm that Jesus’ identity and purpose are intrinsically kingly.

Stirring Our Affections for the King

Recognizing our position in Christ and His identity as King profoundly affects our affections. When we comprehend that we are subjects of a benevolent and righteous King, our hearts are naturally drawn to Him. Our thoughts, actions, and priorities begin to align with His will and purposes. Colossians 3:1-2 (CSB) urges, "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." This directive is an invitation to orient our lives around the reality of Christ's kingship.

Making Room for Christ Our King

Making room for Christ in our lives means more than mere acknowledgment; it involves a deliberate reordering of our priorities and commitments. It’s about creating space amidst our schedules, aspirations, and concerns to nurture our relationship with Him. This could manifest in dedicated times of prayer, engaging deeply with Scripture, serving others in His name, or simply being mindful of His presence in our daily interactions.

Living Under the Reign of Christ

As we embrace our identity in Christ and recognize Him as our King, our lives become a reflection of His Kingdom. This transformation is not just an internal shift but is evidenced in how we interact with the world around us. We become agents of His grace, ambassadors of His love, and bearers of His truth. Let us, therefore, consciously make room for the reign of Christ in every aspect of our lives, knowing that in doing so, we align ourselves with the eternal purposes of our King.

Preparing Room for Christ: Embracing Kingdom Priorities

In our quest to "Prepare Him Room," we are called to intentionally create spaces in our lives where God's voice can be heard and His presence felt. This concept transcends mere physical space; it’s about forging moments of quiet and reflection amidst our daily grind. Imagine carving out time early in the morning or in the stillness of the evening, where you can be alone with God. These moments of silence and solitude become sacred spaces where we connect with our King, undistracted by the world's clamor.

Decluttering Our Spiritual Lives

Just as we might tidy a cluttered room, preparing room for Christ involves decluttering our spiritual lives. This decluttering means identifying and removing those things that take up unnecessary space in our hearts - be it excessive busyness, materialistic pursuits, or unhealthy relationships. It's about examining what we fill our minds and lives with and intentionally choosing to prioritize our relationship with Christ. When we remove the clutter, we make more room for God's transformative work in us.

Living Out Kingdom Values

To prepare room for Christ is also to align our daily living with Kingdom values. This alignment is reflected in how we treat others, the decisions we make, and the way we steward our time and resources. It means that our daily choices are not just about personal preference or gain but about reflecting Christ's love and grace. When we live out Kingdom values, we are actively participating in God's redemptive plan, showcasing a slice of the Kingdom in our corner of the world.

Personalizing Our Kingdom Purpose

Each of us has a unique way of connecting with God. For some, it might be through Bible reading, for others, it might be through music, for others, it might be through nature, and yet for others, it might be through serving those in need. Identifying and engaging in these personal expressions of faith are crucial in making room for Christ. It's about knowing what draws us closer to Him and making those practices a regular part of our lives.

Commitment Beyond Advent

While the Advent season is a special time to focus on preparing Him room, this practice is not just for a season; it's a lifelong commitment. It’s a continual process of preparing room for Christ to work in and through us. As we step into each new day, let’s ask ourselves, “How am I preparing room for Christ today?”

Cultivating a Christ-Centered Life

By preparing room for Christ in our lives, we are not only nurturing our relationship with Him but also transforming how we live out our faith in the world. This commitment to making space for God shapes us to be more like Christ, influencing our thoughts, actions, and priorities. Let us, therefore, continually seek to prepare Him room, embracing our Kingdom identity, and living under the reign of our King. In doing so, we become bearers of His light, love, and truth, impacting our world for His glory.