
1. Download

Download the Connect App from your favorite app store. 

2. Instructions

If you haven’t received an invitation to join Realm yet:

1. Visit to set up a Realm login.

2. Download the mobile app from your favorite App store.

3. Your Realm login works on your home computer and on your mobile devices, so when you sign into Realm, use the login you created in step 1 for the computer or the mobile app.

Alternate Method

  1. Download the mobile Connect App

  2. Create account using our unique Invite Code: TheBridgeFellowshipChurch

  3. If you already have information in our system, please double check it for correctness. If not, please fill out the information for us.


Check to make sure that we have your address and other personal information entered correctly under My Profile. If anything is incorrect, you can change it.

4. If you have any questions, contact Mendy Harrell at